Kathy has problems with her new puppy, and she is hired by the Learning Annex to teach a class.
The Learning Annex has not made a profit since the $76,000 it cleared in 1983.
In 2007,The Learning Annex was valued at $107 million dollars.
It's so complicated, it should come with a coupon for a training course at the Learning Annex.
In addition to the $499 she paid to the Learning Annex, she spent $5,000 on three investment courses.
Soon after, organizations like the Learning Annex started using news boxes to distribute their free circulars.
The class, given in three two-hour sessions, is arranged by the Learning Annex, an adult education group, and costs $85 to $113.
It is being offered through the Learning Annex and costs $19.
The yellow ones carry brochures for the Learning Annex.
Project: The teams had to promote a new class for the Learning Annex.