Texans for Lawsuit Reform gave Landtroop $128,000, and Stars Over Texas PAC, which usually concentrates on incumbent Republicans, gave him $150,000.
He was also honored that year by the interest group Texans for Lawsuit Reform and by his alma mater as a "Distinguished Alumnus."
And Jones, who had the backing of Texans for Lawsuit Reform's political action committee, spent $1,754,310.
The case argued today was the latest poster child of the anti-punitive-damages movement, "the case of the $2 million paint job," as one group, Americans for Lawsuit Reform, has described it.
Sylvester is currently a San Antonio based political consultant whose clients include Texans for Lawsuit Reform .
"The more you learn, the more ludicrous the whole system becomes," said Richard W. Weekley, a leader of one of the state's best-financed groups, Texans for Lawsuit Reform.
Texans for Lawsuit Reform is now one of the largest political action committees in the state.
One business contributor to Texans for Lawsuit Reform, James McIngvale, a Houston furniture store owner who advertises heavily on television as "Mattress Mac," agreed.
HB2458 - Lawsuit Reform: