Mr. Traisman was born on Nov. 25, 1915, in Chicago, a son of Latvian immigrants.
She was born Edith Seeman in Elizabeth, New Jersey to Latvian immigrants.
The majority of Latvian immigrants in Canada in 1991 were women, with a separation of more than 710 people from both genders.
Mrs. Simpson was born Adele Smithline in New York City, the fifth daughter of Latvian immigrants.
Born Adele Smithline, she was the fifth daughter born to Latvian immigrants.
Born in Willimantic, Connecticut, Norris is the son of Valija and Henry Nukis who were Latvian immigrants.
Brodie was a native of Chicago, the son of Latvian Jewish immigrants who was alienated from both his family and his family's religion.
Rollins' father, originally surnamed "Garfinkel", was from a family of Latvian Jewish immigrants.
He was one of the immigrant artists who formed the "Hell's Kitchen school" of art among Latvian immigrants in New York.