As a result, a new interest in the Latin American world led to the Spanish style finding favour until the 1930s.
What does 'N Sync have to do with the Latin world?
Furthermore, political and historical realities are combined with the mythical and magical Latin American world.
Most songs are from France, England, the Americas, and the Latin world.
Outside the Latin world and Britain, and even to some extent within both, the German model of the university was generally adopted.
She sang ballads from all over the Latin world in a clear pop soprano that fluttered when she needed to add a bit of emotion.
This series focuses on the Latin American world and its authors.
Feeling marooned in a Latin world, she gives herself permission to act on forbidden feelings.
Selling about 750,000 copies a week, Veja is the largest-circulation news weekly in the Latin world.
Europe must propose that resources are shared between the two shores of the Latin world: water, food, education and medicines.