In 1990 the school was planning to end Latin classes due to a lack of interest and the idea that students should study modern languages.
A Latin class is also offered to excelling students in the eighth grade.
But there are many other reasons, including less pragmatic ones, that students opt for Latin classes.
It doesn't take long for his wards in Latin class to decide that they have a classic victim on their hands.
Later she also help out in Greek and Latin classes.
You send him to the Latin class, but much of his tuition comes, on his way to school, from the shop-windows.
But it was his Latin classes that had the most enduring influence on his future art.
Even though they are less than an hour away from the Louvre, half the students in the Latin class have never been to the museum.
Tom said, his arm up as if he were back in Latin class.
Girls and boys were taught together in Latin classes.