This rule was changed by the Second Lateran council of 1139.
He participated in the Lateran council in the following year.
He was probably present at the Lateran council in Rome in 649.
In 1215 the fourth Lateran Council authorized the collection of a twentieth for three years.
During these two or three years of incessant political intrigue and warfare, it was not to be expected that the Lateran council should accomplish much.
As it turned out, the whole topic of the calendar reform was not even discussed at the fifth Lateran Council.
These writers deny his having been an inquisitor, and indeed the establishment of the inquisition itself before the fourth Lateran council.
The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) was the first attempt to remedy this problem.
Judicial duels were deprecated by the Lateran Council of 1215.
Following the Fourth Lateran Council, the civil and common law courts quickly moved to ban these practices, as well.