"The days of investing in Web sites we love are over," said Lanny Baker, a Salomon Smith Barney analyst.
Yahoo's disclosure suggests that the controversy about data gathering is hitting the mainstream, said Lanny Baker, an analyst at Salomon Smith Barney.
Last week, Lanny Baker, an Internet analyst at Smith Barney, talked about Yahoo, its prospects and challenges.
His arrival at Times Mirror Square "was a watershed in the newspaper business," recalled Lanny Baker, an analyst with Salomon Brothers.
Lanny Baker, an analyst with Salomon Smith Barney, noted that Terra had a value of $10,000 for each subscriber.
Lanny Baker, an analyst with Salomon Smith Barney, said newspapers' revenue from job recruitment ads would drop about 25 percent from last year.
Lanny Baker, the newspaper securities analyst at Salomon Brothers, said advertisers, for example, still prefer seeing their messages in print.
"They paid a very full price, but I doubt they will be punished for long," said Lanny Baker, an analyst with Solomon Brothers in San Francisco.
But Lanny Baker, an analyst at Smith Barney, evidently thinks that enough selling is enough.
The company, wrote Lanny Baker of Salomon Smith Barney, has "established itself as one of the few Internet companies with a defensible, profitable, working business model."