The road takes its name from the ferry which existed on the site of what is now Lambeth Bridge.
It was eventually replaced on 10 November 1862, when the first Lambeth Bridge was opened.
A cool wind skipped off the murky river and whistled around his ears as he crossed Lambeth Bridge.
Could it be because the average speed on Lambeth Bridge stays below 30mph?
They had hardly got over Lambeth Bridge when her mobile rang.
The young woman on night shift high up in a tower block near Lambeth Bridge yawned.
Lambeth Bridge loomed up over the water before it, darkening the muck of the Thames.
Lambeth Bridge: The first structure was a suspension bridge.
The best view of the whole complex is from the eastern side of Lambeth Bridge.
She looked out the window at the late-summer afternoon, the traffic on distant Lambeth Bridge.