Lake Willoughby, in northern Vermont, is 1,700 acres and one of the largest lakes in the state.
Lake Willoughby is a southeast trending basin.
Along the eastern shore, there are a series of natural waterslides that flow into Lake Willoughby.
East of Lake Willoughby, the Northeast Kingdom changes personality again.
The town contains one unincorporated village clustered around Lake Willoughby.
One of the town's most prominent features is Lake Willoughby.
Each spring, the rainbow trout swim up the Willoughby River to Lake Willoughby.
Pulpit Rock also offers an expansive view of Lake Willoughby.
He spent many summer holidays tenting in Westmore, Vermont on Lake Willoughby.
Lake Willoughby, with hiking trails on granite cliffs, is Vermont's only fjordlike lake.