Lake Mendocino and the headwaters of the Russian River are located in the greater Ukiah valley.
Lake Mendocino is a large reservoir in Mendocino County, California, northeast of Ukiah.
Lake Mendocino is administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and offers disc golf, boating, water skiing, fishing, camping, and hiking.
The river rises in the coastal mountains of Mendocino County, north of the city of Ukiah, and flows into Lake Mendocino, a major flood control reservoir.
The fish are really biting this year at Lake Mendocino, Calif.
Congressman at Lake Mendocino - Congressman Thompson in Mendocino being briefing on the Mendocino Lake projects.
"Only going as far as Lake Mendocino, friend," he said.
We found ourselves at Lake Mendocino.
The Rancheria site was flooded by the construction of the Coyote Dam, creating Lake Mendocino, and the tribe relocated to the current reservation.
Lake Mendocino, about 120 miles north of San Francisco, is an important camping and recreation area for residents of Northern California.