Mosley and his wife Cynthia, Lady Mosley were ardent Fabian Society in the 1920s and 1930s.
Angela Thorne is inspired casting as Lady Mosley, but then, all three ladies take some beating in anything.
Lady Mosley, who talked of her friendship with Hitler, remains the program's most controversial castaway.
MI5 documents released in 2002 described Lady Mosley and her political leanings.
Diana Mitford (Lady Mosley, after marriage to Sir Oswald Mosley in 1936)
(Her former wardress at Holloway Prison told a journalist, "We've never had such laughs since Lady Mosley left.")
Lady Mosley was imprisoned a month later.
Sir Oswald Mosley, a hereditary baronet, died in 1980, and Lady Mosley never remarried.
'Lady Mosley,' I shall say, 'Would you care to compare the two following sensations?'