Although not a noble, La Hire was considered to be a very capable military leader and was an accomplished rider.
La Hire was also known for his prayer before battle, something that could be attributed to Joan's influence.
But La Hire took the word and said: "Let be.
La Hire halted where he was, and sent back the tidings.
But if La Hire had only come in, that would have been another matter.
La Hire survived the martyrdom thirteen years; and always fighting, of course, for that was all he enjoyed in life.
La Hire said that that was all right, he wasn't going to kill the voluntary ones, but only the others.
La Hire tried to cheer up, but he was not able to do it.
La Hire was stunned by these marvels; he could not understand them.
La Hire came clanking in, and heard the last remark.