It was less internal and more visual and social than my usual LSD experiences.
The LSD experience may have led Olson to this conclusion, but it was one he had been thinking of for some time.
That is, time seems to pass very slowly, akin to an LSD experience.
Soon after he had his first LSD experience.
The LSD experience is called a trip and can last up to 12 hours.
After an LSD experience, my friends and I knew what getting "high" really meant.
The adventures described in the following report, by a painter, belong to a completely different type of LSD experience.
There was the desire to report on personal LSD experiences and to debate the purport of their meaning, at the source, so to speak.
A young woman sought me out to report on LSD experiences that had been of great significance to her inner development.
Glenn asks him whether his first LSD experience was constructive.