You're more likely to see the router advertised as a wireless or Wi-Fi router with Ethernet ports or "LAN ports" [source:].
Network and communication infrastructure: The network infrastructure involves providing around 300,000 LAN ports, 100,000 email accounts, 68,000 IP telephones, 37,000 classic telephone connections and 200,000 mobile connections.
LAN ports which function in the same manner as the ports of a network switch.
I sneer at silly building managers who still think that one LAN port per office is about right.
This revision also adds two LAN ports for a total of three.
The new product also features a 10/100 Mbit/s ethernet LAN port.
A LAN port is offered for wired networking capability.
All Calao USB keys have a wired LAN port.
It will provide computer facilities for concurrent users through desktop workstations, LAN ports, modem ports, and wireless LAN access.
The university has fixed the LAN ports in every room in each hostel.