The L-shaped desk became popular, with the "leg" being used as an annex for the typewriter.
When you make typical L-shaped desks many developers set themselves up in the corner.
The southeast corner held a large L-shaped desk under twelve-over-twelve paned windows.
The circulation desk was to the immediate left of front door, a long L-shaped desk.
The low, L-shaped desk is made of ebonized beech with polished steel legs.
We traversed the length of the room, approaching an L-shaped desk on the left.
Selexin stepped back into the study hall and sat down at one of the L-shaped desks.
Selexin was already charging in amongst the L-shaped desks of the study hall.
Holly climbed like a monkey onto the nearest L-shaped desk.
Without a word, Bellos began to walk through the tangle of L-shaped desks toward them.