That's the entire painting history of the L line in one chunk.
L line means it is a surface light railway line.
For now, only the two eight-car trains on the L line are being supervised by computers.
The signal system on the L line is a pilot program that officials hope eventually to expand to other lines.
The presentation focused on the $288 million project for the L line, which is about a year behind schedule.
The crash also shook up riders' confidence in the subway system, especially on the L line.
The proposal would bring the system to the L line in the first few years of the next century, at a cost of about $160 million.
But the No. 3 and the L lines cross without a nod to each other.
The winner in this year's overall ranking was the L line, the first time it finished first.
"The bottom line is, we have no idea what they were doing at the L line," he said.