It wasn't until 1992 that the first Arab classified weekly newspaper, Al Waseet, was launched in Kuwait in partnership with two Kuwaiti businessmen.
The following letter is from the American wife of a Kuwaiti businessman in Kuwait.
Kuwait's modern port operations made the country a distribution center for Persian Gulf imports during the 1970's, said a Kuwaiti businessman.
An elderly Kuwaiti businessman named Hassan, said over a cup of tea that he had watched Iraqi soldiers pillage his family home.
He is a Kuwaiti businessman and the former chairman of Kuwait Airlines.
A Kuwaiti businessman who fled to Saudi Arabia on Aug. 6 said he had watched the day before as several Iraqi Army trucks filled with soldiers stopped in front of a large supermarket.
A Kuwaiti businessman whose factory was destroyed by allied bombing but who now has products back on the market, said aimless government policies were the biggest obstacle he faced.
Worthington describes Mashad agreeing to travel to Afghanistan to work with a Kuwaiti businessman and philanthropist.
Audi founded Bank Audi with his brothers, father, and a Kuwaiti businessman, an institution that is now widely recognized both locally and regionally.
Fawaz Mubarak Al-Hasawi (born 25 October 1968) is a Kuwaiti businessman and the current owner and chairman of Nottingham Forest Football Club.