Iranian troops recapture the Azerbaijan province and the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad, both of which had seceded earlier in the year.
The Kurdish Republic of Mahabad in northern Iran survived only from December 1945 to December 1946.
He is also an author of The Kurdish Republic of 1946 (1961) and, "Iraqi Kurdistan" in The World Today (1956).
The Kurdish Republic of Mahabad was one such state and the Soviets decided to create a separatist state for northern Iran's Azeri population as well.
Residents of Bukan were actively involved in the short-lived Kurdish Republic of 1946, which had its capital at Mahābād (Eagleton).
Residents of Būkān were actively involved in the short-lived Kurdish Republic of 1324-25 Š.
The Kurdish Republic of 1946, William Eagleton, Jr. (London: Oxford University Press, 1963)
Kurdish Republic of Mahabad, Encyclopedia of the Orient.
A short-lived Soviet-sponsored Kurdish Republic of Mahabad in Iran did not long outlast World War II.
A similar flag was later used by the Soviet-backed Kurdish Republic known as the Republic of Mahabad in 1946.