The Tongmenghui and its successor, the Kuomintang party were the first to develop socialist ideology in China.
He was assassinated in 1913 after leading his Kuomintang party to victory in China's first democratic elections.
Education came under the total control of state, which meant, in effect, the Kuomintang party, via the Ministry of Education.
Many members of the Kuomintang party were anti-Western.
Ma was a member of the Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang party and a hardliner.
The Study tour had historically been funded and supported by Taiwan's Kuomintang party since its inception in 1967.
Here, then, is the Kuomintang party - whose octogenarian members still weigh down the legislative branch - showing the world the huge gap opening between systems.
Marxists also existed in the Kuomintang party.
The story is about exposing the corruption of the Kuomintang nationalist party using puppets in an exaggerated fashion.