In what may have been a coordinated action, German troops based in the southern Kosovo town of Prizren detained five more men.
There were continued reports today of widespread fires and of forced expulsions by the police in the Kosovo town of Pec.
For the third consecutive day, they prevented ethnic Albanians from entering the predominantly Serbian sector of the northern Kosovo industrial town.
They included 583 men who had been imprisoned near the northern Kosovo town of Mitrovica.
This dispute rapidly spread throughout Kosovo and became a national revolt, with massive popular demonstrations in many Kosovo towns.
The report focuses on atrocities committed around the Kosovo town of Orahovac.
Officials also reported looting in some Kosovo towns and villages.
The men said they had been held prisoner and interrogated in the northern Kosovo town of Smrekovnica, near Mitrovica.
Last week she sat reading a letter sent by an Albanian friend in the southern Kosovo town of Prizren.
Rebel checkpoints have sprung up in other Kosovo towns, including Suva Reka and Kacanic.