Since 1990 about 25 Korean merchants have been shot by robbers.
The gun sales have been fueled as well by what community leaders say is a rising level of violent crimes against Korean merchants.
She admits that while many Korean merchants do listen to her, some still don't.
He said he would advise Korean merchants to try to involve themselves in community affairs and, where possible, to hire local people.
Korean merchants, he said, have decided that his store should be a test case against the black-sponsored boycotts.
The Korean merchants were apparently chosen, the police said, because the thieves thought they would be reluctant to go to the authorities.
Last year, grateful Korean merchants gave free haircuts, school supplies and a party for the participants.
The most pressing issue for Korean merchants is clearly the proliferation of sidewalk food vendors.
On the other hand, she said, the Korean merchants have to make the old-time residents feel more welcome.
Here, the older Korean merchants seem to want the 50-50 signs.