Koranic verse is the basis for giving a woman's testimony half the weight of a man's.
The reading of Koranic verses, for example, can be followed by cartoons.
Using virtually the same Koranic verses, he concluded that "men have the right to supervise women and not the other way around."
Tacked to the wall behind him was a banner with a Koranic verse.
"If I give a young man a Koranic verse, does it solve his problems?"
For three hours at a stretch, they studied Koranic verses.
One of the men prefaced the interview by reciting a Koranic verse.
His paper runs Koranic verses and editorials on defending the homeland.
All involved violence against women and the Koranic verses that had been, or could be, used to justify it.
The Koranic verse that says a man may take his woman in any manner, time or place ordained by God is written on her skin.