The corporation, with another $400,000 loan, later opened a clinic at 331 Knickerbocker Avenue in Bushwick.
The precinct house moved to 480 Knickerbocker Avenue.
Police officers waited in the 83rd Precinct, on Knickerbocker Avenue.
He reportedly said he had arranged for trains to skip Knickerbocker Avenue on specific days and it would be difficult to change the dates.
Javier Cruz, who works on Knickerbocker Avenue, said the partying had been taken over by "too many crazy people."
The company also operates a second clinic at 333 Knickerbocker Avenue in the Bushwick section.
The three are trying to renovate the 7,200-square-foot building at 1 Knickerbocker Avenue, while painstakingly preserving its funky character.
Just a short walk to the shops, pharmacies and banks of Knickerbocker Avenue can be enough to make her pulse quicken.
The merchants of Knickerbocker Avenue are pleased at the prospect of drawing more customers.
They are collecting information about violations from scores of workers on Knickerbocker Avenue.