The cavalry took him and his band into custody and escorted them to a site near Wounded Knee Creek, where they were to set up camp.
The troopers escorted the Lakota about five miles westward (8 km) to Wounded Knee Creek where they made camp.
The massacre at Wounded Knee Creek was the last major armed conflict between the Lakota and the United States.
His followers were rounded up and placed in an encampment near Wounded Knee Creek.
Hotchkiss guns shredded the camp on Wounded Knee Creek, killing, according to one estimate, 300 of 350 men, women, and children.
All this happened seventy-four years ago at Wounded Knee Creek where soldiers of the 7th cavalry massacred in cold blood Indian men, women and children.
It took place at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota on December 29, 1890.
The town is named for the Wounded Knee Creek which runs through the region.
Place and date: Wounded Knee Creek, S. Dak., 29 December 1890.
The Sioux had encamped themselves at Wounded Knee Creek and were handing over their weapons to US troops.