He would show them what Klingon honor meant, even if it meant holding his temper.
The captain had never before realized that Klingon honor was almost akin to a religious system.
But you can be assured that I will not do so at the expense of Klingon honor.
If that's Klingon honor, then I don't want it.
But I would love to discuss Klingon honor with you further.
I understand that Klingon honor is at stake here.
Unlike Klingon honor, the Federation had a sharp sense of right and wrong as their barometer.
The woman may be a great warrior, but she knows little of Klingon honor.
"But why do you suppose he kept asking those questions about Klingon honor?"
However, he did eventually return, and had continued in his appointed task as a guide to Klingon honor and glory for the past several years.