The thought of a dual culture based on Orianian and Klingon customs was not comforting.
She was familiar with Klingon customs due to the experience of the Dax symbiont's previous host.
"Do I take it then, that you do not recognize Klingon custom and practice in this instance, Captain?"
For all he knew, it might be against Klingon custom.
Klingon custom held that the victor be the last to leave the field of battle.
Again," Worf finished, "all in accordance with Klingon custom.
It seemed his intensive studies of Klingon custom were taking hold.
The thought heartened him--surely Klingon custom contained plenty of insights on how to live through a confrontation like this.
The wedding will take place, and it will take place in accordance with Klingon customs.
It was midday by her ship's chronometer and, by Klingon custom, time to honor the dead.