From 1869 through the 1930's, a railroad roundhouse, with a turntable on which steam locomotives were serviced and routed to various tracks, was on Broadway, where the Kings supermarket is now located.
The magazine, $3.50 an issue, can be found in book stores, Kings supermarkets and stationery stores.
The potatoes cost $1.99 a pound and are sold at D'Agostino, Grand Union, King Kullen and Kings supermarkets.
We shop at Kings supermarket and buy our Easter treats at Mary's candy store.
The oils range from $2.79 to $4.29 for a 12.7-ounce bottle at Shoprite, Foodtown, Grand Union and Kings supermarkets.
The seven-ounce cheeses are about $7 at many stores, including Zabar's, Broadway and 80th Street, and Food Emporium and Kings supermarkets.
When no amount of exhorting worked, I acted on my threat and enrolled them in a two-hour course on table manners at the Kings supermarket in Short Hills.
At all Kings supermarkets in New Jersey.
The booklet is available at Food Emporium supermarkets in Manhattan, Long Island and Westchester, Kings supermarkets in New Jersey and Top's markets in Queens.
Not so late that I'll miss the cooking demonstration at the Kings supermarket in Short Hills, but late enough that I won't have time to stop for dinner.