The plant workers looked around in confusion and dismay, but they had heard the King express his doubts.
At their first meeting, the King expresses concern about Urquhart's social policies, which he argues have led to greater problems for urban areas.
The King expresses to Sylvia his desire that she wed him.
The King expressed himself as highly delighted with the entertainment, and said he was always fond of horses and racing.
Later that night, Huey and King, while watching television, express their disgust with the state of black popular culture.
When the supper was finished, the King expressed a wish not to lose the promenade.
The King had expressed a wish not to walk in the park until after cards in the evening.
The King and all the others there are jubilant and express their joy.
In a speech in 2005, the King expressed some of his feelings about growing up without having known his father.
The King expressed his satisfaction at this.