The King himself considered Struensee a great man, even after his death.
Next, King considered whether the ordinance was vague in all its possible applications.
For the title role, King required the candidate be British, and considered casting an unknown actress.
As King considered the proposition he recovered the weapon and then took the bow and arrows from the man also.
King never set out to be a horror writer and doesn't consider himself one now.
King doesn't consider himself a journalist, which is just as well since he flourishes in an age of nonjournalistic journalism.
However, in more speculative mood, King considers the present and future level of world population.
But a King should consider how much a man will endure, though he be a subject, even his son.
So that was that for what King considered the finest piece of work he had ever done.
She makes sure that the King of France does not get the wrong idea about her error of judgment and consider it a crime.