Samples of it were found in King Tutankhamen's tomb.
Legend has it that King Tutankhamen's mummy killed many of those involved in opening his tomb in 1923.
"King Tutankhamen has been dead for more than three thousand years."
Browse the article Was there really a curse on King Tutankhamen's tomb?
The fascination with King Tutankhamen's tomb, curse and treasure extends to his own death.
Elsewhere, visitors can tour a mock-up of King Tutankhamen's tomb.
King Tutankhamen went to his grave with a trove of it.
Guests can visit a replica of King Tutankhamen's tomb with the excavation in progress.
Was there really a curse on King Tutankhamen's tomb?
The Egyptian King Tutankhamen was buried with large knots put on both sides of his chest.