King Roger was a natural topic for him.
"King Roger" may find in history an even greater enemy.
"King Roger" is a receptacle, not a rocket to the moon.
King Roger formed his army into eight divisions.
King Roger has to sort them out.
King Roger has to rescue her from the horrible Barguest.
There had been little enough time for tears in the scant hours since King Roger's death.
"Good King Roger's way of making certain everyone knew he planned to stick to his guns."
Now, what if you didn't approve of King Roger's policies?
"With prolong, King Roger would be in a position to continue those policies for at least another two hundred years."
King Roger was a natural topic for him.
Since its 1926 premiere, stagings of King Roger have been relatively rare.
"King Roger" may find in history an even greater enemy.
It is the avant-garde that we seem to cherish, and "King Roger" was never a member.
"King Roger" is a receptacle, not a rocket to the moon.
King Roger formed his army into eight divisions.
King Roger has to sort them out.
King Roger has to rescue her from the horrible Barguest.
King Roger was due to depart for Sphinx in six hours, and she needed to get some sleep before their arrival.
"With prolong, King Roger would be in a position to continue those policies for at least another two hundred years."