The Maasai culture is well known because of tourism, despite being a minor percentage of the Kenyan population.
The prospect of the Kenyan population swelling to only 120 million, with vast areas of arid land, is devastating.
Some animals of the Kenyan population may belong to it.
Islam is the religion of approximately 11.2 percent of the Kenyan population, or approximately 4.3 million people.
It provides information to the media and ensures that the Kenyan population has access to the commission's proceedings.
Islam is the religion of approximately 11.2 percent of the Kenyan population .
While almost the complete Kenyan population has access to free-of-charge primary education, few families can afford secondary school education for their kids.
Naturally, we responded to the humanitarian needs of the Kenyan population.
The operation has a high approval rating from the Kenyan population.
This marriage caused much debate amongst the Kenyan population.