Kenneth Bacon, the Pentagon spokesman, acknowledged today that the two men were monitoring military activities in China.
Kenneth Bacon, the president of Refugees International, called it "required reading".
"We believe that the current policy is working well," said Kenneth Bacon, the department's chief spokesman.
Kenneth Bacon, the Defense Department's chief spokesman, cast some doubt on the possibility of a missile.
Kenneth Bacon, the Defense Department spokesman, said the Pentagon had no evidence to support the reports.
"We believe that the current policy is working well," Kenneth Bacon, the Defense Department's chief spokesman, said in a recent interview.
"You have to pay attention to how a war appears on television these days, there's no way around it," said Kenneth Bacon, the Pentagon spokesman.
"This issue is over," said Kenneth Bacon, the Defense Department spokesman.
Kenneth Bacon, the Defense Department's chief spokesman, defended the recommendations, which he described as subject to change.
"We had a team ready to assist early on, but they chose not use our team," said Kenneth Bacon, the department's chief spokesman.