The only real airline is Kenmore Air.
Kenmore Air was founded in 1946 by three high school friends, reunited after World War II.
Kenmore Air originally made its money by accessing remote and sometimes dangerous locations during its early years.
Munro soon became the sole owner of Kenmore Air when Collins moved to California after accepting a job there.
Kenmore Air also became an official aircraft and parts dealer for Cessna by the end of the 1950s, further expanding its aircraft maintenance business.
Kenmore Air also leased an aircraft to the US government for survey flights in Alaska.
After the Beaver ceased production in 1967, Kenmore Air began to establish themselves as a leading refurbisher of the seaplane.
Kenmore Air has rebuilt a total of 125 Beavers since then.
With this purchase, Kenmore Air acquired a seaplane terminal on Lake Union.
In 1998, Kenmore Air gained a federal permit allowing them to begin operations there, pending approval from Seattle's city council.