Kendall Square has seen something a lot like this before.
It was unclear yesterday when Kendall Square would report its third-quarter results.
Companies like Kendall Square also made bold claims about programmability, but failed to live up to their promises of greater speed.
Mr. Koch's investment in Kendall Square is now $65 million.
This half of the neighborhood is generally identified with Kendall Square.
Kendall Square also restated its financial results for the last year and a half, disclosing a significantly higher loss for 1992 than was previously reported.
Kendall Square said the new figures might still be subject to adjustment because Price Waterhouse had yet to review them.
She left the building and headed rapidly for Kendall Square.
The rest of the world probably thinks the odds against Kendall Square are 100 to 1 also.
Kendall Square, he said, was a "small company that tried to grow too bloody fast and things got out of control."