That means the Keeper has been using people in this world.
I don't understand why the Keeper was using me.
That the Keeper is using wizards means that it must take a wizard to tear the veil.
Keepers used to cook and eat their meals here using a coal stove or an oven fuelled by bottled gas.
I used magic again to close a doorway the Keeper was using to send his minions into this world.
Keepers of the low-cost top-bar hives use this technique to harvest honey.
Keepers use positive reinforcement training with every animal, which means that the animals that perform in the shows are never forced into doing tricks.
Keeper used to look for them.
Then, later, the Keepers had used it in their journey to obtain information from the ship's computer.
All the stations were alike and all the Keepers used the rooms in the same manner.