During his stay, he tried to "mobilise support for the Kashmir cause".
Musharraf's own dedication to the Kashmir cause is indisputable.
There have been at least four crackdowns across Maharashtra on suspected Islamist militant groups, all linked to the Kashmir cause, in the last nine months, said Mr. Roy, the police chief.
In Islamabad today, General Musharraf restated Pakistan's unbending support for "the Kashmir cause and the people of Kashmir."
Albania has consistently supported Pakistan for the Kashmir cause.
If he keeps his pledge to seal the border - to move from the military to the diplomatic arena - General Musharraf risks accusations at home that he has betrayed the Kashmir cause.
Mr. Sharif's pledge seemed to be viewed by most Pakistanis as a sell-out of the Kashmir cause or an ill-fated move in a diplomatic game of chess.
Syria also supports Pakistan over its Kashmir cause and refers to the Indian occupation of Eastern Kashmir as an open aggression.
Rather, the moves were viewed by most Pakistanis either as a sell-out of the Kashmir cause or another ill-fated move in a diplomatic game of chess.
In his speech tonight, General Musharraf plainly stated that the Kashmir cause could not justify the use of terrorism.