Kamehameha Schools operates three campuses, which together served 5,398 students K-12 in the 2011-12 school year.
Since the late 1990s, Kamehameha Schools has faced several high profile legal battles.
Worthington became the director of financial services at the Kamehameha Schools in 1973.
Pohl also taught art at the Kamehameha Schools for 15 years.
Most of her land went to fund the Kamehameha Schools.
White began her teaching career at Kamehameha Schools in 1962.
From 1893 to 1903, the bandmaster worked with the Kamehameha Schools to develop its music program.
He was a graduate of the Kamehameha Schools in 1949.
He served as President of Kamehameha Schools from 1923 to 1934.
He agreed that the Kamehameha Schools were unique, but from a different perspective.