In fact, he once got a month on KP duty for hitting Sgt.
Aaron fainted as the men began KP duty, and was transported by ambulance to the hospital for treatment.
Mess halls for the modern U.S. military are often contracted out to civilian firms, making KP duty less common today than it once was.
In the marvel universe Captain America is often put on KP duty in his early comics.
He can barely handle latrine and KP duties , .
After hiking and swimming with our kids all day, they raced to the dining hall for KP duty at night, amazing parents with their energy.
Put the guy in the motor pool or on KP duty, but you don't give him a gun.
Looking for an opportunity to swab the decks, do KP duty and get some rest?
Mercedes had started her day by drawing KP duty.
Calugas was working as a mess sergeant in charge of a group of soldiers who were preparing the day's meals, known as KP duty.