Of the three, only the Justice Foundation (Kashmir Centre) is still active as of 2011, while the other two are only sporadically active.
In 2006 he received the "Defender of Life" award from The Justice Foundation.
Boston: Massachusetts Dept. of Correction; Crime and Justice Foundation, 1987.
Perhaps groups like the Justice Foundation, which has collected stories from women who see themselves as victims of abortion, should add stories from people like me.
The Texas Equal Access to Justice Foundation (www.txiolta.org) administers funds to create community capacity to provide civil legal services for low- income Texans.
Prior to entering state politics, she served on the board of the Law and Justice Foundation and Aidwatch.
McCorvey had come to regret her role in legalizing abortion, and the Justice Foundation filed suit to reopen her case.
One source of funds for these services are IOLTA funds distributed through the Texas Access to Justice Foundation.
NSW Law & Justice Foundation, Board of Governors.
The Justice Foundation is only the latest group of Clinton critics to get involved in the case.