At the families' request, the Justice Department did not disclose the amounts to be paid.
The Justice Department has disclosed several cases in which Americans are charged with smuggling arms to the Teheran Government.
Microsoft fell 62 cents, to $55.40, the day after the Justice Department disclosed that it would no longer seek to break up the company.
In 2001, the Justice Department disclosed that it had issued 88 subpoenas involving news reporters in the previous decade.
Despite its call for a settlement, the Justice Department has not disclosed what terms, if any, it will seek from the industry.
Those accusations are behind an antitrust investigation, which the Justice Department disclosed last week.
The Justice Department has not disclosed details of the abduction.
He said he would have no further comment until the Justice Department disclosed the evidence that supports its case.
Although the inquiry began about six months ago, neither the Justice Department nor General Instrument had disclosed it.
In the past, they said, the Justice Department had often disclosed sensitive documents relating to the work of presidential nominees.