Now the girl would live always in the young man's memory as he had seen her for those few enchanted hours of a July afternoon.
More traditional was a grueling obstacle course that a platoon ran through on a hot July afternoon.
Few of the seats were occupied at this time on a hot, July afternoon.
"There's a reason for rebuilding things the way they were," she said with characteristic intensity one scorching July afternoon.
On a July afternoon in 1974, when she was four years deep into breast cancer, my mother executed her will.
These windows get the afternoon sun, so it'll be hot in here on a July afternoon.
Then, on a July afternoon of steaming heat, Atlanta had its wish.
To cover his confusion, he looked out of the window at the hot July afternoon.
On a brilliant July afternoon, only one of them was occupied.
One July afternoon, Bonds was sitting by himself at his locker.