Their relationship manages to survive the interference of Julie Cooper (Louise Plowright), who tries but fails to claim Laurie for herself.
When he awoke, he is blackmailed by Julie Cooper into telling the authorities that it was Ryan who shot him and not Marissa.
At the end of the season, Caleb married Julie Cooper in an uneventful ceremony.
Julie Cooper is portrayed as a manipulative, witty, cunning, and devious woman who often uses friends, family, and associates to her advantage.
He sides with Diane when Paul jilts her in favour of Julie Cooper.
Experiencing loneliness, Luke eventually becomes sexually involved with Marissa's mother, Julie Cooper, which Marissa eventually finds out about.
Also more recently she has had to deal with her father dating her best friend's mother, Julie Cooper.
She eventually accepted the relationship and recently announced engagement, however, seeing the happiness it had brought her father despite her own reservations on Julie Cooper.
Following the election the Labour group leader Andy Tatchell was replaced by Julie Cooper.
Julie Cooper, a character from The O.C.