The move was initially resisted by Judge Smith, who would be responsible for trying the case.
"I don't want to get into all the nitty-gritty at this point," Judge Smith said.
On Thursday in open court, Judge Smith said he had never received her letter.
"I want to set the record straight," Judge Smith said.
Since the late 1960's, Judge Smith had been an outspoken advocate of abortion rights.
But the companies are waiting to see whether Judge Smith and his colleagues will be more generous.
When he was convicted, Judge Smith had to sentence him to 15 years to life.
One legal expert called Judge Smith a wild card on the death-penalty issue.
"Absent from Judge Smith's decision is the issue of how these changes will be underwritten," he said.
As Judge Smith noted in his 31-page opinion, the debate goes beyond a question of legal standard.
The move was initially resisted by Judge Smith, who would be responsible for trying the case.
"I don't want to get into all the nitty-gritty at this point," Judge Smith said.
On Thursday in open court, Judge Smith said he had never received her letter.
"I want to set the record straight," Judge Smith said.
Since the late 1960's, Judge Smith had been an outspoken advocate of abortion rights.
A week after Judge Smith gave her order, an alibi witness came forward upstate.
But the companies are waiting to see whether Judge Smith and his colleagues will be more generous.
When he was convicted, Judge Smith had to sentence him to 15 years to life.
One legal expert called Judge Smith a wild card on the death-penalty issue.
As Judge Smith noted in his 31-page opinion, the debate goes beyond a question of legal standard.