TfL has developed an electronic "Journey Planner", which enables users to plan journeys by all forms of public transport and bicycle in and around London.
Transport for London's Journey Planner estimates this journey to take at least an hour.
Both the glitches and the triumphs are due to Traveline (, 0871 2002233), whose Journey Planner instilled such confidence that we trusted it too much.
Find more information about getting here by public transport using Transport for London's Journey Planner (opens in new window).
See Journey Planner for more information.
Each Journey Planner integrates information from many different transport operators and sources.
What's surprising is the kind of machine you need to run the Journey Planner: a 386 or 486 processor, a hard disk and a massive 4Mb of RAM.
But the Journey Planner is good value for money, and for anyone who needs to coordinate rail journeys it could be a real time-saver.
Bizarrely, the Journey Planner doesn't cover all forms of public transport in London.
Try our door-to-door Journey Planner - for details of multimodal journeys from your home to your destination.