Josh arrives via motorcycle on the last day of Lily's visit.
Tike this thing was when Josh arrived and dam' near killed himself trying to prove what everyone told him was impossible.
Early next morning Josh arrives at the house and tells the girls to meet him in the garden, there is someone that he wants them to meet.
Josh soon arrives and tells them the neighboring community has been reduced to a land of ash and corpses.
Josh arrives on the island and encounters packs of baby Plesiosaurus.
Margo felt she'd made the right decision when Josh arrived at Templeton House.
Josh arrives on the scene just in time to scare the man away from Sasha.
He was resting in his suite, eating a blood orange and watching the valley again, when Josh arrived.
Josh then arrives in Mary's dream world, a mystical land of floating islands.
When Josh arrived home with Chris, there was no sign of Sue or the dogs.