During the opening at the polling station, a flock of voters suggest a couple of alternative ways to vote to Josh Lyman, much to his frustration.
He once told Josh Lyman, half-seriously, that he doesn't trust anyone who doesn't shine his own shoes.
The character is also a romantic interest for Josh Lyman.
When Hoynes announces his return to public life, he also approaches Josh Lyman with an offer to run his campaign.
The song is used to illustrate Josh Lyman's association of music with gunshots as a symptom of post traumatic stress disorder brought on after being shot.
Bradley Whitford is especially vivid as Josh Lyman, the deputy chief of staff, who may lose his job over a comment he made on a talk show.
In addition, according to Sorkin, the storylines began to focus less on Sam and more on Josh Lyman, the deputy chief of staff.
Santos was planning to leave Congress before being recruited to run for the presidency by Josh Lyman.
Josh Lyman is seen giving Santos the same advice, although the Santos campaign does send a team of lawyers down to Nevada.
Josh Lyman is still working in politics.