The land is under Jordanian sovereignty but leased as farmland by Israelis.
Jordan Rejected Monitors But the plan was angrily rebuffed by the King, who said the proposal violated Jordanian sovereignty.
Israel retained the use of wells along with their associated systems newly under Jordanian sovereignty as detailed by 31 December 1994 with Jordan to protect their yields and quality.
One year before the Uprising another poll indicated that only 6.3 per cent of the population would accept Jordanian sovereignty even on an interim basis.
By 1986 it was clear that an actual return of the territories to Jordanian sovereignty would threaten his long term authority on the East as well as the West Bank.
It grants Israelis the right to use land under Jordanian sovereignty, subject to automatic renewal every 25 years unless one side seeks a change.
The United States Department of State also recognized this extension of Jordanian sovereignty.
Condemning the attack as a violation of Jordanian sovereignty, King Hussein threatened to void the treaty if Meshaal died.
On land, the Israelis acknowledged Jordanian sovereignty over 115 square miles of disputed territory, mostly in the Arava.
Thus, King Hussein's close alignment with Israel is also a potential domestic political problem, which could be exacerbated if he was seen to give up Jordanian sovereignty by cracking down on Hamas.