This weekend, for the first time since 1990, the Jordanian monarch is to make an official visit to Saudi Arabia to meet with Saudi leaders.
That meeting, like King Hussein's diplomacy, reflected the delicate balancing act that the Jordanian monarch has attempted.
He received two medals from the Jordanian monarch.
In turn, those groups have moved swiftly to accuse the Jordanian monarch of trampling democracy in a quest to restore authoritarian rule.
"I don't think there is any problem whatsoever," the Jordanian monarch said.
"The terrorists are trying to break down the fabric of the U.S.," said the Jordanian monarch.
The Jordanian monarch also said he planned to attend the emergency meeting on Thursday.
They have become accustomed, at times of Middle East crisis, to receiving American dignitaries anxious to embrace the Jordanian monarch as an important regional leader.
And now on the 17th, we have the Jordanian monarch coming in.
The Jordanian monarch, 63, has been treated since July 14 for cancer of the lymph glands.