And one of the most famous Jordanian camps, at the Dana Wildlife Refuge south of Amman, also offers hiking and touring, and camping.
The area remained unpopulated save a Jordanian military camp.
There were now half a million refugees from Palestine in Jordanian camps, kept alive by Unwra rations.
Al-Zarqawi was a Jordanian militant Islamist who ran a militant training camp in Afghanistan.
Right of return is the right of Palestinian refugees in Lebanese and Jordanian camps to have a normal life, a place they can call home, that will bestow on them a sense of belonging.
From the Sinai, he cabled instructions to the commander of the infantry school to move the base from Netanya, an Israeli port, to a captured Jordanian camp in Nablus, on the West Bank, right away.
Most of the refugees were expelled to Jordanian and Lebanese camps such as Nahr al-Bared, a refugee camp near Tripoli Lebanon, Rashidieh camp near Tyre, and Shatila refugee camp in Southern Lebanon as figure 1.1 shows.
Brazil's offer will provide a humanitarian solution for Palestinians who have been in the Jordanian camp since 2003.